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PHI 135/ENG 136 Ancient Greek Justice and Literature

For Today

Today will be a semi-structured work time for your groups to come together to start (or finish!) working on your final presentation.

By the end of today's class, you will:

  • Work with your team to figure out what information you found will go where in your presentation
  • Determine if more information it needed
  • Construct an outline (real rough or less rough) to help give structure to your presentation
  • Decide what form your presentation will take and who will be responsible for what
  • Make good progress on your presentation
  • Determine if your group will need to meet again to continue working or to practice. Set a date+time to meet

Tech Route? Tools to help you out!

Don't let this short list limit you! whatever form your presentation takes, do you!

Some Guidelines

Gingerbread Greek Theatre from

  • Consult your syllabus. Use it as a guideline for your presentation.
  • Create a detailed outline for your presentation
  • Practice!
  • Remember to use your professor and librarians as a resource to help you out!
  • Be creative! So long as you cover the assignment, feel free to have a little fun!
    •  A short scene of a 'tour' of the site
    • A humorous debate over why you should go there one afternoon vs a club (in the afternoon!?)
    • Stay up all night constructing gingerbread houses of your site. Go insane.
    • Sneak into Patterson and turn the classroom into a cardboard recreation of your site. Because you've already gone insane from the gingerbread.
    • Search the web for multimedia elements to include in your presentation!

Some of these might be a bit more practical than others. But the idea is the same, don't feel locked in to the powerpoint format.

Clean Joke.

(The influence of Ancient Greece is everywhere. For example, even my soap has been reading the pre-socratic material monists.)