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PHI 135/ENG 136 Ancient Greek Justice and Literature

The Research Journey

What you think your research journey will be like:

A simple map with path going in a straight line from left to right.

Image Source: 2021, Rebecca Graham, CC BY 4.0

What your research journey is actually like:

A very confusing map with twists and turns

Image Source: 2021, Rebecca Graham, CC BY 4.0

Here is a quick video to explain the process!

Graham, Rebecca. "The Research Process: The Journey from Idea to Finished Paper" YouTube, uploaded July 2019.

Our Goals for Today

Today you'll be working with your groups to begin your research on your site. Take advantage of this time and you should be able to make great progress on your presentation by the end of next week's class.

By the end of this session you will:

  • Use reference and online sources to get a solid background on your site
  • Generate keywords and questions
  • Think back and make connections between your site and the sources that your read
  • Divide the search with your teamates by subject, presentation section, database, or something else!
  • Work collaboratively and comunicate with group members to ensure good use of time

By the end of today's class, you will:

  • Find three good sources that you believe will help you create your presentation

Before next class, you will:

  • Critically read the three sources that you found today
  • Hopefully, find and read more!
  • Take good notes on your sources
  • Make connections between your sources and potential sections of your presentation

Your Assignment and Peer-Review Syllabus

Your final project for this course will be a group presentation in preparation for your trip to Greece. Each group has been assigned an archeological site that you will be visiting this summer.

You will be:

  • Researching your site, and it's connections to the texts you have studied
  • Preparing an oral presentation on your site

Consult the rubric (attached) as you research, read, and create your presentation.