In order to find reviews, criticisms, and other articles related to your topic, you can either search WISE or select an individual database. You can find a list of the individual databases available to you in the Online Journals and Reference Sources page. Here are some benefits to using either WISE or an individual database:
Individual Databases:
Here are some individual databases that would be most useful for religion students' Capstone projects:
You may also find other subject databases useful thanks to your unique, interdisciplinary topics. Such databases include, but are not limited to:
Historical Abstracts Full Text
TIP: If you find an article that looks good but we don't have full-text access in that database, you can quickly check to see if we have it in any other databases. There will be a link next to the item (and on the result page) that you can click on which will automatically search WISE for that article; if it finds the article, the link will show up for you. The precise wording of this link varies by database, but try to look for "Full Text" or "Find Full Text". Or ask a librarian!