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Library DIY: Starting your Research

How do I know what to search for?

First, write out your topic or question

What’s the best way for a manager to maintain high employee morale under adverse conditions?

Then, pull out the most important words or phrases

What’s the best way for a manager to maintain high employee morale under adverse conditions?

Next, Brainstorm synonyms, related concepts, or more specific phrases


Employee morale

Adverse conditions

  • Boss
  • CEO
  • Supervisor
  • Organizational structure
  • Motivation
  • Work ethic
  • Rewards
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Productivity
  • Positivity
  • Employee engagement
  • Commitment
  • Performance
  • Overtime
  • Downsizing
  • Fatigue
  • Distrust

Finally, Combine and recombine these phrases in WISE and/or subject-specific databases

As you review your search results, look for other words, subjects, or phrases you may not have thought of that come up in the abstracts or titles of articles.  It may help you to add those terms to your search list.