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REA 830: Advanced Children's and Young Adult Literature

We're Here For You!

This is a LibGuide—a website created by your professor and a librarian that provides resources that can help you with your research for this course. Think of this as your 'Research Homepage', it'll help streamline the (occasionally frustrating) research process and help you get to the good stuff faster.

Here at the library, we understand that learning is an active, collaborative, and sometimes messy experience. We want you to know that we are here to help and support you as a learner. Please stop by or e-mail us if you would like support or someone to talk to during any step of the research process!

What we think research is like

A map with a straight line from "Pick a Topic" to "Find Information" to "Write Paper".

What research is actually like

A map with a confusing path that has lots of twists and turns.

Image Source: 2021, Rebecca Graham, CC BY 4.0