Read the abstract
Scan the headlines on your way down. Be sure to check out any images and graphs - what are they telling you?
Still look good? Read the introduction and the conclusion - Check your understanding by reading sentences/sections multiple times and look up words you don't know.
If this is still sounding/looking relevant, read the rest!
Helpful? Want more? Check out the list of works cited!
For more information on how to evaluate & understand the articles you are reading, check out our Library DIY: Using Sources guide!
From Hyperbole and a Half by Alison Broosh
Not everything you find will be relevant. That can be frustrating, but so can getting points knocked off for not doing a bit more reading. Don't be afraid to throw out things you find that don't seem relevant after you read the abstract.
IMPORTANT: You should be able to easily prove that an article is related to your topic.
Read the abstract or the intro and conclusion of every article you consider before reading the whole thing.
If your topic is about the impact of mindfulness meditation on learning, an article on the impact of exercise on learning or an article on mindfulness in relationships isn't going to cut it!