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ePortfolios: Design


Fonts can tell a lot about you! Fonts can be fun and bright, bold and sleek, minimalistic. In web design there's a lot of talk about "font pairings"; or which fonts look good together. You might not always use the same font for EVERYTHING. You might have one font for your headers and one for body text. Here are some resources to help you navigate the world of typography!


Including images is an easy way to pull your audience in and also gives them a snapshot of who you are. Try to include images of you doing what you do! It will help your potential employer visualize you being at their company. You can also consider using others iamge, such as those found in the Creative Commons which are free to use!


Like fonts, color can say a lot! Color can communicate if you free and open, or fun and exciting, maybe you're professional. These are important things to think about, so picking a good color scheme is important.

You should also think about contrast. That is the difference when the colors are placed together. It is recommended to have a light background with a dark font, or dark font with a light background. Light on light or dark on dark can be hard to read.

Wolf, T. (n.d.). How to increase conversions using color psychology. Conversioner. Retrieved from