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Library DIY: Finding Books and Articles

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Searching for Peer-reviewed articles:

Finding peer-reviewed articles in WISE

If you search for your topic and click "Peer Reviewed" on the sidebar, your search will return only those results that have been published in peer-reviewed journals (including research articles but also book reviews and editorials)

Screenshot of WISE search results, highlighting the "Peer Reviewed" button on the sidebar

Is my article from a peer-reviewed journal?

If you have a journal article that you're not sure if it’s peer-reviewed, the easiest thing to do is search for the title of the article in WISE. Sort by "Best Match" instead of "Library" if it does not come up. On the article record, you should see the author's name, the journal it is published in, and the date published. If it was published in a peer-reviewed article, you will see a small icon of a person with a checkmark.

Example article ("A Cod Forsaken Place? Fishing in an Altered State in Newfoundland") with peer reviewed icon and tag next to publication date and highlighted.

If you cannot confirm this via WISE (typically if the journal is new or small) you can search for information on the title of the journal (not the article) using a search engine like Google. Search the journal title + peer review (or review process)

Example google search for "trends in parasitology peer review"

You will likely be able to find the Journal’s website or submission guidelines, which will hopefully include language about the review process.

Screenshot of google results with the following excerpt from the Journal information of "Trends in Parasitology", "Please note that all articles in Trends in Parasitology are peer reviewed, and publication cannot be guaranteed. "

If you’re having trouble finding this information, ask your professor or a librarian for help determining if it is an appropriate source. Please note that there are a growing number of fake or predatory journals and spotting them may require a trained eye.

Need an article that McGill doesn't have access to? We can get it for you with ILL


You can also submit ILL requests for articles and book chapters when you are using databases such as EBSCOhost, SciFinder, PsycINFO, and more.  Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Identify the article or other item you'd like to read.
  2. Locate a link on the article record called "Check for Full Text" or a similar phrase (examples: "Access Options", "Check Local Holdings", "Other Sources" ).  See example below.
  3. Click on this link.
  4. A new tab or window will open in your browser.  This will show you:
    • If our library has the full-text available in a different database; if so, a direct link will be provided.
    • If we don't have it, a link to request it via Interlibrary Loan.
  5. Click on "Request item"
  6. Complete the form, and then wait for an email from with instructions for downloading your article!