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Library DIY: Finding Books and Articles


WISE is constantly undergoing upgrades and improving over time.  There are different problems you may encounter, and several of them are listed below.  Please contact the library to report other problems or questions.

There is a link to a full-text article, but the article cannot be found

This typically occurs when an item has not been indexed correctly in WISE. Newspaper and magazine articles are especially problematic in this case.

Solution: Go directly to the database source listed under the link to the article (eg: JSTOR, ScienceDirect, etc.). If you aren't sure which database to go to, email John Garrison a screenshot of your search results for help.

The link redirects to an EBSCO page instead of the article

The library subscribes to academic journals through EBSCO.  Not all journals are listed at the article-level by EBSCO, and so you may see the journal title instead.

Solution: On the EBSCO page, you should see "Available on Publisher's Site" with a linked date range (shown below). Click this link to find the article.  

EBSCO screen shot


If you can't find what you are looking for, email John Garrison a screenshot of your search results for help.

How do I go directly to the database?

From the WISE search results screen, click on the title to view the item's record.

Under Check Availability, you will see the database where you can find the full text of this article.

Screenshot of a WISE record showing the database listed under Check Availibity

Go to the Online Resources page and click on the database listed in the WISE record

List of online resources from

Type the article's title in the database search box.

Screenshot of search for article title in database.

If you cannot find the article you are looking for in the database shown in WISE, the links do not work, or you have any other trouble, email John Garrison a screenshot of your search results for help.