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Mendeley Citation Guide

This guide of 3 short videos will help you get started using Mendeley in your papers.

Download the Word add-in

Mendeley Cite allows you to add citations from your Library to any Microsoft Word document.  Follow these steps to set it up on your computer.

1. Go to the Microsoft AppSource store and download the Mendeley Cite add-in (free download).




2. Once you have downloaded the add-in, you will be able to go to Microsoft Word to finish the installation.


Warning:  You may encounter the following message after clicking "Open in Word".  Disregard this - Mendeley Cite should still appear when you click the References tab in step 3 below.


3. Mendeley Cite appears in the References tab (far right side) at the top of Microsoft Word.




4. If you don't see Mendeley Cite in the References tab, you can manually add it by going to the Insert tab in Microsoft Word.