WISE is the Library's search engine, it searches:
WISE is a user-friendly, all-in-one search tool, but is important to know when to use WISE, and when you may be better served by using the Library's other electronic resources.
Use the Online Journals and Reference Sources page for:
Get to know some of the highest-quality, most comprehensive databases in the field of education.
You can search many different peer-reviewed journals in Education Source or ERIC. If you are interested in just one particular title, you can click "Publications" at the top of the database site, and search for the one you need.
Please contact John Garrison if you have any questions!
Here are links to other journals that you may need to use for your assignment:
If you have any trouble accessing the journals in these links, you can either search for them using WISE on the library website or contact John Garrison for help.