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Faculty Research Tools

Digital and physical resources to help faculty with their research, including assistance with data and citation management.

Traditional Metrics

When you are being evaluated, research metrics can be a powerful tool in telling the story of your output as a researcher.  Each discipline places a different level of value on various types of metrics, but each can provide a snapshot of the impact of your work.

Metric Types:

  • Journal level- How impactful was that journal that you published in?
  • Source-level- How often was that book chapter cited?
  • Author-level- Tracking your impact and output, easily calculable through google scholar profile.

Of course, how each discipline tracks metrics is different and depends on the norms.

For instance, publications in literary studies may not be as frequently cited as those in biochemistry because of the nature of the field. You likely know your own field, and we're happy to work with you to figure out the right tools for your needs.

Metrics Tools:

  • ORCID Identifier-Add this to your work to make it easier to track the impact of your work and not the thousands of others "Pete Smith"s in the world. 
  • Google Scholar Citations Profile- Set up this profile to track different metrics based on google scholar citation data.
  • Scopus CiteScore- See publication-level metrics for journals in Scopus (science-heavy)


Altmetrics are non-traditional bibliometrics.  As technology changes the way we access information, and the way that we can measure the impact of that information, the tools and metrics we use also change. 

Examples of altmetrics include:

Views- How many visitors to PDF and/or HTML webpages

Discussions- How many times is this 'linked to' from other websites, specifically social media. 

Saved- How many people have bookmarked this (likely indicating that is its value to their work)

Cited- Including traditional citations but also non-traditional citations (like Wikipedia)

Altmetrics can be controversial in some contexts, but it can provide the researcher with additional insights about the attention to and engagement with their research.

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