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Faculty Research Tools

Digital and physical resources to help faculty with their research, including assistance with data and citation management.

Subject Specific Resources

From the library's homepage, click Online Resources to see the list of databases and e-resources we have access to.

Access the dropdown list by clicking View All.

Select the type(s) of resource(s) (Ex: News, Data, Reference) or discipline (Biology, Education, Political Science) you are interested in.

Don't see what you need?

Need a physical book, eBook, DVD, piece of streaming content, or another resource?

Email Jamie Kohler or fill out a Resource Purchase Form. Jamie will review the request. If the purchase is approved, you will be notified when the item is cataloged and ready to be checked out.


Need access to a database or journal that isn't listed?

Email John Garrison to discuss what you need.

If you need access to a specific article or item from a database we do not have access to, John may be able to obtain that item via the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) program. 


If you need access to the actual database, John may be able to set up a trial and depending on usage, may be able to purchase a license agreement with the database vendor. These license agreements are complex and cost-prohibitive, so there is no guarantee that McGill will be able to purchase access for you.